I drove for several miles until I reached a beautiful place where this friend of mine was standing – literally stuck onto the ground where I was also standing. After a big hug and several laughs’ I came to the conclusion that miracles are to be found everywhere and most of the times it’s a question of our (in)aptitude in realising that they exist, whatever form they take. Most of the times, it’s just a question of our inaptitude to handle the real events so called miracles. So, if we aren’t apt to see the reality behind the miracles and, also, we aren’t apt to assume that something’s are miracles, we will keep on waiting for someone to assume that for us. Weird stuff hey?! Unfortunately, or not, this way of handling stuff leaves us in a standby mode indefinitely, always waiting for someone , or something, to show us – this is the way – this is the way!! What way is it: Yours? Mine? The truth, is it real? - Not only with miracles this happens so, this is also a miracle – The miracle of being awake and asleep at the same time… Eh eh eh :-) Laugh a little with me :-) Eh eh eh :-)
I believe that most of the times we aren’t “here” because we don’t want to – it’s easier. And if we leave every assumption in the hands of those who rule our whereabouts then… I really don’t want to think about it but, it can lead us to a new miracle – or something I’ll never understand – and if I understand it, maybe I won’t be able to live here anymore – I suppose I won’t have the proper tools to handle it! Until then I leave here my friend who I believe to be a miracle – filled with those little details that can really make me feel and believe in the eternal balance between all living things – the true miracle of life.
May the force be with you :-)
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