This sentence came in my horoscope for the current days: “We desire the pleasures of romance but aren't prepared to give up freedom.”
Eh Eh Eh Eh :-) Well, I think this is one of the undeniable truths (!!) about true scorpions! But, let us think a little bit more about this sentence… What is freedom for starters? Does it mean that scorpions don’t ever feel free in a relationship? Or, does it mean that freedom doesn’t have anything to do with the relationship but only with the time/space it consumes? :-) I think all of these are bound to be true somehow, because we are part of society and much more… Therefore, loss of freedom!! Or maybe not :-) What really do you believe it is necessary to be free? Does freedom make you feel better? :-) Well… I have to be clear in this point – most of the people I’ve known ‘till today couldn’t ever be left alone – in other terms – could not ever be free :-) Why? … Because they wouldn’t know how to handle their freedom and probably would stay still until someone or something made them move! … Why? Well, I rather not think objectively about it because I don’t want to get to the conclusion that it is simply a question of inner strength and drive to get somewhere better or truer – the truth is always better regardless – Most of us just sit back and wait for something to happen for us… I rather be alone than to wait for something to happen for me or by me – better to do something than to wait for it to happen :-)
Thinking about it, I can almost divide the world in two groups of human existence:
In the first we can find the freedom (or maybe this isn’t the correct term here) seekers, the ones who are bound to make their own paths and also convince the ones that surround them that that is the right path to take – I call these the illuminated ones;
In the second group we find the followers, the ones that intensively criticize (or not) the ones with ideas but, at the same time, follow them into what is assumed to be true – I call these the sheep like ones;
Just to make a better point here I’ll emphasize a world class illuminated one and his sheep flock: Hitler (illuminated or surround be illuminated ones) and the Nazis (common people who had their paths sorted out by Hitler and his fellow partners in crime)… We all know where this as lead us – the purpose of the Nazis was to build a better world for the Arian ones and that didn’t included lots of us (even Hitler wasn’t Arian prone – not even close) – they where working for freedom – their freedom, not ours… In fact, it hadn’t anything to do with true freedom but only with a few illuminated «concepts» they managed to pass on as being the true path into enlightenment and for a better world – don’t we all want that for us? – If we keep on following without questioning then this is bound to happen again – this is happening everyday without any conscience or individual responsibility on it – if we think about it we can get to the conclusion that «commonsense» is mostly about fulfilling our inaptitude to be free and still being able to live in a society – we bound ourselves to what was made common and true but, maybe, just maybe, it isn’t that true. It’s up to all of us to judge it or to follow it without judgment – our choice, our responsibility and our freedom in making it happen :-)
So, you’re thinking, where is the miracle? :-) Well… The miracle I’m trying to expose is the most simple thing ever to be true in this world – true self, true reason and truth :-) The capacity that all of us should have to become individually true and, therefore, socially better – the miracle of being able to see reason without being our reason – seeing the reason for it self. The ability to be and not to let be :-) To search for it when we can’t see it, not to expect for something to show it to us (it being whatever you choose)… And so on :-)
We all have our reasons and just because they are our reasons it doesn’t make them true. There’s always a reason for everything and most of the times we just can’t see it with eyes unclouded by our own reason.
So, do you see any kind of logic on that first sentence that came in my horoscope? Eh eh eh :-) I can’t see the reason for it! I can’t even begin to understand what the hell they mean with «freedom»… Not a clue… Not by any reason apart from a well known reason (makeup one) that lies within our «commonsense» - our inaptitude to be free as individuals and still be part of something. Where does that leave us? :-) Eh eh eh – nowhere is the place :-)
So I leave you here with another friend of mine who truly understands freedom and its part in this world :-)